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Last week, An Ordinary Future was reviewed in Kirkus Reviews, and it's a very nice review at that.

"Sensitive reflections on human value," it says.

Yes, indeed.

I'm very pleased that my book has gotten a bit of early attention. It's not out until September 5th, but I get the sense that effective publicity entails generating attention and interest so that the book gains some traction in the world.

As a writer, and as an academic who believes anthropology should be relevant beyond the narrow world of scholars, I aspire for my work to be read and utilized outside of the halls of academia.

This book is also very personal and carries an important message, which I hope will be of value to parents like myself, to those within or close to the Down syndrome community, or to others just thinking about the human experience of disability. From this vantage point, I really desire for this book to find an audience.

I have to be honest, until last month I had never heard of Kirkus. But I gather that in the realm of book publishing, a positive Kirkus review acts like a stamp of legitimacy. Check this out, it says.

It might be worth a look.

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